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Weather on July, 7, 1958

Maximum temperature (degrees C): 28.9 (84.0 F)
Minimum temperature (degrees C): 21.1 (70.0 F)
Precipitation (mm): 0.0 (0.000 in)
Snowfall (mm): 0.0 (0.000 in)
Snow depth (mm): 0.0 (0.000 in)
Number of days included in the multiday evaporation
total (MDEV): 4.0
Multiday evaporation total (mm; use with DAEV): 20.1 (0.791 in)
Number of days included in the multiday wind movement
(MDWM): 4.0
Multiday wind movement (km): 161.0 (100.0 mi)
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