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Weather on January, 8, 1966

Maximum temperature (degrees C): 6.7 (44.1 F)
Minimum temperature (degrees C): -8.3 (17.1 F)
Precipitation (mm): 0.5 (0.020 in)
Snowfall (mm): 0.0 (0.000 in)
Snow depth (mm): 0.0 (0.000 in)
Observed: Rain (may include freezing rain, drizzle, and
freezing drizzle)
Observed: Snow, snow pellets, snow grains, or ice crystals
Average cloudiness midnight to midnight from
manual observations (percent): 60.0
Average cloudiness sunrise to sunset from manual
observations (percent): 60.0
Daily percent of possible sunshine (percent): 35.0
Daily total sunshine (minutes): 198.0
Fastest mile wind direction (degrees): 270.0
Fastest mile wind speed (meters per second): 15.2 (34.0 mph)
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