Generate course materials from Markdown using Pandoc

Generate course materials from Markdown using Pandoc

General workflow

  1. Accept pull requests from contributors.
  2. Pull updated repository onto computer.
  3. Run Pandoc on Markdown files to generate websites and presentations. This can be automated using a “build tool” like Gnu Make, which automatically detects which markdown files are changed, and runs the required Pandoc commands to generate content.
  4. Commit updated content and push back to repository.

More about Pandoc

You can try it online:

there is also a tutorial for using it on your computer:

Install Git (optional)

Git for Windows

Git for Mac

  • With homebrew: brew install git
  • Or with MacPorts: sudo port install git
  • Or with the Git installer (if you don’t have homebrew or MacPorts already installed):

Debrief, survey and free time

Please fill out this survey. I will stick around and we can discuss anything, or feel free to play around with any of these tools (more contributions to the repository are encouraged!).

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