Back to September, 2024's Index
<- Previous Day | Next Day ->Maximum temperature (degrees C): 20.0 (68.0 F) Minimum temperature (degrees C): 16.1 (61.0 F) Precipitation (mm): 6.6 (0.260 in) Snowfall (mm): 0.0 (0.000 in) Snow depth (mm): 0.0 (0.000 in) Peak gust time (hours and minutes, i.e., HHMM): 1703 Average daily wind speed (meters per second): 3.9 (8.7 mph) Direction of fastest 2-minute wind (degrees): 60.0 Direction of fastest 5-second wind (degrees): 60.0 Fastest 2-minute wind speed (meters per second): 7.6 (17.0 mph) Fastest 5-second wind speed (meters per second): 11.6 (25.9 mph) Observed: Fog, ice fog, or freezing fog (may include heavy fog) Average Dew Point Temperature for the day (degrees C): 15.6 (60.1 F) Average Sea Level Pressure for the day (hPa): 1014.6 Average Station Level Pressure for the day (hPa): 1009.5 Average Wet Bulb Temperature for the day (degrees C): 16.7 (62.1 F) Average relative humidity for the day (percent): 89.0 Minimum relative humidity for the day (percent): 73.0 Maximum relative humidity for the day (percent): 93.0